Substantially the IC R8500 is internally divided between a section dedicated to frequencies below 30 MHz and a section, more articulated in the conversion scheme, for frequencies above up to 2000 MHz. The ICOM IC-R8500 is a receiver with plenty of functions, far from complex to use, with some important points in the controls management being equipped with a rational front panel. This parameter, not in official data, was obtained with direct tests.0.1 ~ 1000 MHz and 1240 ~ 1300 MHz specifications guaranteed.± 3ppm with temperature from -10☌ to +50☌Īux (AGC / unfiltered FM discriminator output) User-defined 0.5~199.5 KHz with 0.5 KHz resolution It combines the functionality of a HF radio set with those of a advanced scanner. Triple-conversion desktop receiver, frequency range 0.1-2000 MHz all-mode.