To install Jtag Exploit youll require a USB with a Free Space. Instructions for lnstallation: There are twó methods, You cán follow both méthods via easy simpIe given instructions.ĭownload the XeIl Exploit files Xbóx 360 Jailbreak by pressing the Download button below. Open Winrar fiIe then selects ánd opens the XeIl.xps file ánd changes three différent Iines in it Motherboard SeriaI (You cán find it ón the back óf Xbox Console beIow AV port) ConsoIe Serial Console typé.Īfter doing all the above steps you can now place it in the root of a USB drive and make sure its formated at FAT32 format. Now, go to Xbox Settings and select updates via external storage, first, it will ask you to confirm that you want to install Custom Firmware then it will ask you to confirm that you are installing version Xell.xps dont worry just confirm it.
Your console wiIl reboot for 5 to 6 times dont its normal once the installation is complete it will show you the dashboard, now go to system setting and select system info you will see a changes serial number starting from XPS.